Saturday, June 16, 2012

Stomata in Lower Epidermis of leaf, Biology std 10 to 12

To study the stomata present in the epidermis of leaf by preparing a temporary slide.

AIM :   To study the stomata present in the epidermis of leaf by preparing a temporary slide.

PRINCIPLE :  As the lower epidermis is not directly exposed to sunlight it contains more number of stomata. This reduces the rate of transpiration.
MATERIALS :  Leaf of Hibiscus, Nagervel (betel leaves) or Maize, slides, forceps, scalpel or blade, Microscope

Lower and Upper Epidermis of Nagarvel leaf.

Scratch of Nagarvel leaf on Lower epidermis

Stomata view in Microscope.

Stomata viewed in Microscope

Enlarge view of  stomata.
Maximum number of stomata are visible as the lower epidermis has more number of stomata. In Hibiscus and Nagarvel the guard cells of stomata are been shaped while in Maize they are dumb-bell shaped.
Conclusion :
By this method stomata can be seen and counted under the microscope.
Application :
This is an easy method to show the stomata to the students.

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