Sunday, June 10, 2012

INDUCED RADIOACTIVITY science for 8 to 12

The phenomenon by which radioactivity is induced in an element, is called induced radioactivity or artificial radioactivity.

When a stable nucleus is bombarded with a high energy particle, it gets changed into another which is often radioactive. For example, when aluminum is bombarded by a (alpha) particles, it produces radio-phosphorus.
15P30 which is radioactive with a half life about 3 minutes, decays to a stable isotope of silicon by emitting a positron (positive electron) which has the same mass as electron, but positive charge.
Curie Joliot and her husband Frederick. Joliot were the first to discover induced radioactivity in 1934. They were awarded 1934. Nobel prize in chemistry. They bombarded elements aluminium and boron with a particles. They observed that the targets continued to emit radiations even after the removal of the a source. The radiations consisted of positrons.

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