Tuesday, September 18, 2012


ACCOUNT             CH-5     BANK  RECONCILIATION STATEMENT                                    
Ch 5 Bank Reconcilation statement
à    Points to remember.                                                                                

1.       B. R. S. is prepared by trader (business men,  A/c holder)   
2.       B. R. S. is a statement ,not an account.              
3.       It will be prepared with the help of bank column of cash-book and pass-book. 
4.       It will be prepared when closing balance of bank column of cash-book dose not tally with closing balance of pass-book.
5.       Methods for preparing  B. R. S.
          aà Addition (+) and subtraction ( - ) method.
          bà Debit and credit method.

6.       Performa    B. R. S.  of………… as on ……..
    No. particulars  Dr.       Cr.
          Bank bal. or Bank  0/D   as per  C. B. or  P.B.                                 
1     Cheque deposited  debited in C. B. but not credited in P. B.
2     Cheque deposited  credited in P. B. but not debited in C. B.                                          
  3   Cheque deposited  debited in C. B. now dishonored not credited in C. B.                 
  4    Any amount directly deposited by our customer credited in P. B.
          But not debited in C. B.  
  5.   Cheque issue credited in C. B. but not debited in P. B.                                                            
  6    Cheque issue debited in P. B. but not credited in C. B.                                          
  7    Any expenses like Bank charges, B commission, insu. Premium, paid     
          by bank on our behalf dr. by bank but not cr. In  C. B.                                         
  8      Any income collected by bank on our behalf  e. g. bank interest, dividend     
          etc. cr. In bank but not dr. In  C. B.                                                          
  9    Bills receivable discounted in bank, now dishonored. Dr in P. B. with
          Noting charges, not credited in C. B.                                                                    
  10    Bills sent for collection, collected by bank on due date. Cr in P. B. not
          Debited in C. B.                                                                                       
  11    Bill payable paid by bank on our behalf debited in P.B. not cr. In  C. B.                  
  12    Amount overcasted in C. B. \ P. B. record on opposite side.           
  13    Amount undercasted in C. B. \ P. B. record on same side.           

          Bank bal. or Bank  0/D   as per  C. B. or  P.B.                                                                                                                                              

 Important rule :
       The amount which is not debited in any of the book debit in b. r. s. and the amount which is not credited in any of the book is to be credited in b. r. s.         [Do what is not done]
       à  Give opposite effect, than given earlier.  
       Type of Questions: 
       when C. B. and P. B.  both are given for same month.
       Step I
Decide whether the cash book is having the balance or O/D as per follows
When cash book Dr.(receipt) side is greater it is known as balance as per C:B. and when cash  book Cr. (payment) Side is greater it is known as overdraft as per C. B.
Step II
Step II
The above decided balance recorded in B.R.S. according to following.
                                                             CASH  BOOK
 PAYMENT                             Cr.   
      Balance as per cash book. Is on     
      debited  side
O/D. as per cash book.  is on cr. Side

                                                              PASS  BOOK
RECEIPT                                 Cr.
        O/D as per pass book. is on debit             
Balance as per pass book. is on credit side

Make the round on the transactions which are not same by comparing cash book debit side with   
pass book credit side
And prepare B. R. S.  according to Performa.  

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